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End of Empire

End of Empire

There’s an old Chinese folk tale of a farmer whose horse ran away. But moron that later. Meanwhile, the UK has just slipped over the Brexit precipice in a way that might have given Thelma and Louise a run for their money had there actually been any real momentum left. By the time we got to the edge, the impetus was so minimal and the passengers so confused and sedated by years of utter (self) deception and months of mismanaged lockdown, that…

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2021: Inaugurating more than a president

2021: Inaugurating more than a president

Inaugurations, protestations, conflagrations, confrontations, intimidations, separations, deviations, mediations, vaccinations. Isn’t it the most? All we are saying… There was a time when songs, statements, hair, placards and demonstrations were the mainstream peace-weapons of choice. But that time is coming to an end now, for a great shift is getting underway and more direct action seems to be the order of the day. Let us hope that, rather than attempting another ill-advised stroll down Trannsylvania Avenue, the True American Patriots have…

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Last Days of Rome

Last Days of Rome

The plan was to write a few words about the UK’s departure from Europe but that has, literally, been trumped by more recent events across ye olde pond, on Capitol Hill. Images of a deluded, ragtag horde of Visigoths swarming down Pennsylvania Avenue and sweeping – almost tacitly permitted – into the very heart of US democracy were shocking to behold and do indeed bring to mind a more ancient event. Though quite what that guy from Jamiroquai was doing…

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